Saturday, May 2, 2009

Happy Birthday Daddy!!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY DADDY! Yesterday was my daddy's Birthday. He still had to go to work, blah. My parents and their friends went out to eat last night to celebrate, while I played at Pawpaw and Grandma's house. Hope Daddy had a wonderful day.

My eye is feeling much better and you can't really even tell anymore that there was even a problem. Thanks everyone for checking on me.

I am so happy it has been warm outside. We have been doing a lot of fun activities outside to enjoy the weather. I really love sidwalk chalk and played for over an hour in the driveway with it the other day. Me and Mommy drew the ABCs, my name, flowers, and traced our hands. So fun! We also got a kiddie pool for the back yard. We invited Mrs. Britney and Lillian over to play. Lillian doesn't really like water, so she really didn't care to much for the pool. I had a blast, and Dakota likes it too.

Oh, guess what! We have baby doves! They were born about a week ago. There is either 2 or 3 babies, it is kinda hard to tell. It is very exciting to watch them feed and grow.
Playing with sidewalk chalk

Playing in the kiddie pool

Our little family of doves

1 comment:

Holly said...

Check out my blog. I gave you an award.