Monday, October 27, 2008

First Steps

Just thought I would stop by and tell everyone that I took some steps by myself for the first time today!!!!!! Mom and Dad can't believe it! I was so excited. Now I will be into everything, YAY!!!!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Yay Alabama! Here I am celebrating the win in my Alabama outfit.
I like to pretend I am a big girl in Daddy's swivel chair. It is so much fun to roll around the house and spin in circles.

Just excited it is fall and getting colder!
Not sure what this face is about?
My hair is getting so long that it gets all in my face. Mommy put a bow in it to pull it back, but then I thought it would be a good idea to try and eat it while riding in the car and Mommy had to pull over on the side of the road to pull it out of my mouth. She said no more bows for a while, or at least not while we are in the car.
Me and Paw Paw His shoulder is a nice bottle holder. You can see now where the bow would have come in handy!Me and my Grandma are very excited about Halloween
Ok, a little tired of pictures now and becoming a little sassy.

Mom and Dad are very proud that I have about a 6 word vocabulary. I can say bye bye, uh oh, mommy, daddy, yay and baby. I say some other things that sound like words, but they aren't sure I really know what I am saying. They do fear that I will be a talking machine before too long. I guess they should enjoy there quiet time while they have it. Check back later in the week to see my Halloween costume. Happy Halloween!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

What a fun day we had Friday. Daddy got to be off work and we all went to the zoo. We met up with Mommy's friend Holly and one of her friends. I had a great time exploring the zoo and seeing the animals with Gavin and Caroline. They taught me how to say "uh, oh." As soon as I woke up from my nap after the zoo that was all I wanted to say. Friday night Mommy and I went to her friend Kay's new house. The house was so nice and dinner was great. I got to meet baby Emma, she is only 8 weeks old and very little. She was so sweet and pretty. Mommy said I was that little once and that I have grown way too fast.

Gavin and Caroline checking out the treasure chest
Gavin, Caroline, and Mrs. Holly
The big tiger. Gavin called him Aubie, but Mommy and Daddy said that was a bad word.
The baby giraffe I loved the petting zoo. The goats, ducks, and pigs were hilarious

I am very amused by the TV lately. Mommy said it is not a great habit to get into, but it is nice to relax sometimes and we try to watch more educational shows. Sesame Street is one of my favorites, I love Elmo.
This is me sprawled out in front of the TV.
Looking around Mom to see the TV.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Mom is feeling better this week. She did start some physical therapy for her hip. She said she thinks her hip is messed up because of me, but that I am well worth it.

I have learned to wave and say bye bye. I don't always say it at appropriate times, but I can say it none the less. I also have learned to clap, especially when someone says yay. Well I guess that is about it. Oh, my dad says that I am a good luck charm, since Alabama has been undefeated since I was born, so ROLL TIDE!!!!!!

See my new top teeth!
Everyone says I have long eyelashes
Too Funny
Don't mind me while I dig through this basket